Tadpole Finance Bridge
Tools for developers to bridge projects from ERC20 to BEP20 Network
We are thrilled to announce that one of our main features, Tadpole Finance Bridge ERC-20 to BEP-20 is NOW LIVE!
Tadpole Finance project was initiated to run on the Ethereum network. You certainly know that the gas fee needed to carry out activities in Ethereum becomes so expensive. With the gas constraints, this project was forced to migrate to Binance Smart Chain so that the Tadpole Finance users could enjoy this decentralized application cheaper and more quickly.
This migration process was not easy. We tried to find existing options for bridging ERC-20 to BEP-20, we found 1 promising project, but the project turned out to be very buggy. We also found that other options are either not open for listing or requires a big check for a listing, which is not suitable for small projects.
Because of this experience, after TAD Bridge development is done, we think that we might open this bridge feature universally. In this sense, all ERC-20 projects can be added to this bridge by paying a small fee.
This way, all projects with a similar problem can easily find a solution to migrate their tokens to the Binance Smart Chain network. We believe this Bridge can help the decentralized applications ecosystem and also be a profitable option for TAD holders.
What is Tadpole Finance Bridge?
Tadpole Finance Bridge is a tool provided by Tadpole Finance to facilitate its users in creating an ERC-20 to BEP-20 token bridge. With this Bridge, users can easily create a BEP-20 version of an ERC-20 token, and transfer the tokens back and forth between Ethereum and BSC network.
Here is the link for the Tadpole Finance Bridge https://app.tadpole.finance/universalbridge.html
How much is the listing fee for using Tadpole Finance Bridge?
The affordable listing fee is one of the advantages of this Bridge. In the process of creating a new bridge, 10 TAD will be burned ($134.2 based on CoinMarketCap.com November,3th 2021)
How about the total supply after bridging token?
When the token is moved across the bridge, the ERC-20 token will be stored or locked on Tadpole Finance Smart Contract with the ownership of the ERC-20 token will automatically move to Tadpole Finance. The Smart Contract will automatically generate a new BEP-20 token, with the total supply across both chains remaining the same. In the sense of circulation, it will not change the total supply because the tokens that are locked cannot be used in any way and are effectively not part of the circulating supply.
Won’t the price be different on each network?
Actually, the token prices will not change directly after bridging. However, due to the possibility of increased utility, it is somehow will change the token price depending on the market activity of the new token itself.
Converting TAD ERC-20 to BEP-20
To convert TAD tokens, type “TAD” into the search box and click on the TAD option. The real TAD token can be identified with the TAD logo.
Creating A New Token Bridge
To create a new Token Bridge, first you will need to input the ERC-20 token address to the provided search box. After that, two boxes will show up, each showing the token details of the ERC-20 and BEP-20 versions of the token. If the Token Bridge is not created yet, you will need to create it first and 10 TAD will be burned in the process of creating a new bridge.
After the transaction is confirmed, a new BEP-20 token will be created and users will be able to use the bridge to convert their ERC-20 tokens to BEP-20, and vice versa.
Note :
Tadpole Finance Bridge does not support rebase or reflection-type tokens. Please avoid using the bridge for those types of tokens.
Converting ERC-20 to BEP-20
To convert ERC-20 to BEP-20, input the amount that you want to convert in the input field in the left box, and click “Convert to BEP20”. Please note that the contract will request your approval to transact the tokens on your behalf, and this is only required when converting for the first time.
After the transaction is confirmed, wait for a few minutes until a new entry appears on the bottom side of the page. You can then do another transaction to claim your BEP-20 tokens in BSC network. Remember to switch your Metamask network to BSC first before claiming BEP-20.
Converting BEP-20 to ERC-20
To convert BEP-20 back to ERC-20, input the amount that you want to convert in the input field in the right box, and click “Convert to ERC20”.
After the transaction is confirmed, wait for a few minutes until a new entry appears on the bottom side of the page. You can then do another transaction to claim your ERC-20 tokens in Ethereum network. Remember to switch your Metamask network to Ethereum first before claiming ERC-20.
Creating Custom URL for A Specific Token
You can add a token Address querystring parameter to the URL to automatically open the bridge for a specific ERC20 token upon page load.
For example: https://app.tadpole.finance/universalbridge.html?tokenAddress=0xF791df8cE12FeECa6165dd11f99747195FC4FF11