Tadpole Finance Monthly Report
August — September 2021
Hello Tadpole breeders!
It is only three months left until the end of the year, here is our growth :
# Circulating Supply
By September 27th, 2021 the circulating supply of TAD tokens is 42.9% or 428.620 TAD from 1.000.000 TAD.
#DEX Liquidity Mining
This month, the program has passed 87.6℅ progress from a total of 200.000 TAD tokens that could distribute. Check out our website for more detail.
# Tadpole Finance Bridge
Based on the results of last month’s voting regarding the Universal Bridge, we are currently in the development stage of this feature. Currently, the program code for the feature has been completed and now it’s just a matter of finishing the UI and UX. We are confident that the Universal Bridge feature will be released in October 2021. This feature will be the first cross-chain ERC20 — BEP20 Bridge in Indonesia that is trusted, affordable, and fast.
This month, to make people aware of the existence of Tadpole Finance on CoinMarketCap, we made a giveaway with a total prize of Rp. 2.000.000 for 10 lucky people. One can participate by entering Tadpole Finance in their watchlist.
Since then, we have grown to a community of over 8.000 Twitter followers and we got more than 600 watchlists on CoinMarketCap. Focusing on a path to decentralization, we’ve started a discussion forum on Bitcointalk.org for the community to share ideas. Last but not least, we started to provide newsletter for the member by subscribing to our newsletter on the website.
# Here is what they said about Tadpole Finance :
Thank you for your support and see you next month!
Warm Regards,
Tadpole Finance Team